A range of products compliant with the MOCA regulations (materials and objects in contact with foodstuffs) and therefore suitable for use in contact with foodstuffs as indicated in the tables on the boxes. On the basis of this legislation, the type of glove is chosen according to the needs of each user. The range includes a series of disposable gloves and two multipurpose gloves, complete with accessories and single and multi-purpose clothing suitable for use in the food field in accordance with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) self-control manual. All gloves have been designed with optimal characteristics for use in contact with food:

  • absence of plushing inside
  • manufacturing processes involving subsequent washing
  • blue color to allow the best identification of any leaks in gloves or parts thereof

The legislation on MOCA was created to protect consumer’s health with respect to the following parameters:

  • Non-harmfulness of the food
  • Integrity of the food composition
  • Organoleptic integrity

To prevent the risk to health, the regulations act on the following factors:

  • Control of the composition of materials (toxicological assessment)
  • Migration control (limitation to use)

These factors are measured by analyzes performed in accredited laboratories that use for testing the reference substances called “simulants”. To each simulant corresponds a category of food (table B).
The tests performed in the laboratory are specific global migrations and color transmittance.


Global migration means mass transfer that follows the laws of diffusion. In other words, determining GLOBAL MIGRATION means establishing the loss of mass per unit of surface area of material in contact with foodstuffs. The global migration limit should be considered as a pre-requisite of inertia of the material; in other words, regardless of the possible risk to the consumer, the law establishes a limit to the possible interaction between food and materials in contact with them.


With reference to colored objects, it is necessary to verify the absence of color migration.


European reference documents for regulated materials: PLASTICS is regulated by the European Directives - 82/711/CEE, 85/572/ CEE, 93/8/CEE, 97/48/CEE, Reg. (CE) N. 1895/200 , Reg. (EU) N. 10/2011, Reg. (EU) No. 321/2011 and Regulation 1282/2011 - and by italian decrees.

Laboratory tests

Specifically regulated materials must: observe positive lists for their composition; respect global migration limits, with simulants and contact conditions (time and temperature chosen based on predictable contact conditions and type of material); respect specific migration limits; leave unaltered the organoleptic characteristics of the food, including its color; be subjected to the control of functional parameters, hygiene and punishment; present the absence of undesirable and unintentionally added substances.